Some of my favorite books & podcasts
Emotional Health
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Pete Scazzero
Rising Strong, Brene Brown
Set Boundaries, Find Peace, Nedra Glover Tawwab
Strengthening the Soul of your Leadership, Ruth Hailey Barton
The Language of Letting Go, Melody Beattie
The Soul of Desire, Dr. Curt Thompson
Parenting Teens
Are my Kids on Track? Goff, Thomas & Trevathan
Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain, Daniel Siegel
Boundaries with Teens, Dr. John Townsend
Parenting Kids
Beyond Behaviors, Mona Delahooke
Brain Body Parenting, Mona Delahooke
Famous at Home podcast
Raising Worry-Free Girls, Sissy Goff
The Power of Showing Up, Daniel Siegel & Tina Payne
The Whole-Brain Child, Daniel Siegel & Tina Payne
Come as you Are, Emily Nagoski
The Great Sex Rescue, Sheila Gregoire
Into the Silent Land, Martin Laird
Invitation to Journey, Robert Mulholland
Proverbs 31 Ministries podcast
Resilient, John Eldredge
The Rest of God, Mark Buchann
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, John Mark Comer
Win Today with Christopher Cook podcast
You are Enough, Johathan Puddle
trauma & therapy
Light After Trauma podcast
Place we Find Ourselves podcast
Restoring the Soul podcast
The Best of You podcast with Alison Cook
The Body Keeps Score, Bessel van der Kolk
The Drama of the Gifted Child, Alice Miller
The Wisdom of the Body, Hilary McBride
The Wounded Heart, Dr. Dan Allender
Try Softer, Aundi Kolber